Initial Shot List

Here is our first ideas for a shotlist, it is highly likely that changes will be made if we find faults within these shots but this is our basic shotlist:

Basic Shot list

  1. Establishing shot of Mansion
  2. Close up of barred side door, seeing a girl sneaking out of side door in house
  3. Over the shoulder shot of person in black clothes walking along corridor.
  4. Medium shot through barred door seeing the girl walking over, looking around panicked.
  5. Person in black clothes coming close to door.
  6. Medium shot of girl opening the door, then cut-away, changing to black-dressed person opening the door.
  7. Medium shot of girl standing in half-opened door, looking around unsure
  8. Masked person entering the room.
  9. Point of view shot of room being empty.
  10. Medium shot of girl turning around again, starting to run.
  11. Point of view shot through window, seeing girl running away over grass of garden.
  12. Outside shot of the masked person standing in front of the window.
  13. Running feet (?)
  14. Over the shoulder shot of person walking along corridor
  15. Dolly /Zoom into/ of wooden door coming closer
  16. Medium shot of person sitting in a chair with wine glass, waving for more wine
  17. Servant coming over, pouring wine into the glass, then putting down bottle, giving the glass to the person; person waves servant away
  18. Close up of person drinking wine.
  19. Rapid editing shot of running feet, girl’s panicked face, running feet (change of music)
  20. Close up of wine glass put down on the table, seeing in blurry background a person entering.
  21. Masked person coming over, kneeling in front of person
  22. Close up of masked person looking up
  23. Medium shot of masked person standing up, going to person in chair
  24. Masked person whispering something into other person’s ear
  25. Close up of person’s hands clenching arm rest.
  26. Medium shot of person slowly standing up, masked person stepping back frightened.
  27. Person suddenly hitting masked person in the face, masked person falling over armchair next to her.
  28. Shot of servant?
  29. Person sinking back into chair, face in her hands.
  30. Masked person getting up, trying to grab other person’s hand
  31. Person in armchair pushing masked person away (with that moving out of shot).
  32. Servant coming over, grabbing masked person, pushing him forward, pointing to the door.
  33. Masked person standing up, walking to the door.
  34. Cut-away; seeing person going through the door, closing it slowly.
  35. Running feet.
  36. Handheld of forest or so coming closer.
  37. Running feet.
  38. Masked person walking through forest, cloak waving behind her
  39. Running feet.
  40. Medium shot or long shot of girl in dress in forest, stopping to get some breath, basing on her knees.
  41. Shot of masked person again.
  42. Handheld point of view of girl in the forest, coming closer through woods.
  43. Close up of masked person pulling out a knife from under the cloak or from a pocket.
  44. Close up of girl’s face suddenly looking up.
  45. Medium shot of masked person quickly hiding behind a tree.
  46. Close up of girl looking around panicked.
  47. Point of view looking around forest?
  48. Long shot of person behind the tree, seeing girl in the background looking around.
  49. Close up of masked person lifting the knife a bit
  50. Rapid zoom into girl’s face looking really panicked, like she heard something, then her screaming (matching music to scream?)
  51. Medium shot of masked person lifting head, as she heard the scream.
  52. Medium shot of tree, suddenly masked person stepping from back of tree to its side with knife in hand
  53. Point of view seeing the girl running away.
  54. Rapid editing of running feed, panicked face of girl, running feet again
  55. Close up of masked person’s hand clenching around knife.
  56. Medium shot or long shot of girl looking over her shoulder while running (if possible).
  57. Medium shot of person starting to walk towards the camera with knife in her hand.

Optional ending:
Number 1: Just scene of running feet, evil person from mansion smiling, running feet, then fade out and titles.
Number 2: Rapid editing of running feet, girls face, masked person’s hand with knife and mask of person getting very quick, then suddenly extreme close up of mouth of evil person smiling, fade out and titles.
Number 3: Rapid editing of running feet, girls face, masked person’s hand with knife and mask of person getting very quick, then fade out and titles.

As you can see we have got a wide variety of shot types in here therefore improving the quality of our opening and making it more interesting. It is always important to gain lots of audience attention and we believe by doing this our audience will be very impressed and engaged in our opening.

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